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The Cheat Narrows River

CLASS: 1-3
GRADIENT: 20 ft per mile
VOLUME: 300 -6000 cfs
SEASON: April through October
SCENERY: Roadside river with giant boulders
TIME: 3-5 hrs
LENGTH: 4 - 6 Miles

The Cheat River in West Virginia is great for whitewater river rafting and is one of the largest uncontrolled watersheds in the eastern US. With over 912 sq miles of drainage, it is a big river system by the time it gets to the Narrows. The Cheat Narrows gets it's name from the river being funneled through a narrow break in the river canyon. Because of this and the lower gradient then the Cheat Canyon this section can be rafted at a wide range of water levels. Most of the rapids in this section are formed by the river tumbling over big rock bars creating lots of friendly waves. The Cheat Narrows is a great section to ride when the Canyon is over 6 Ft, very large waves and very fast currents. Starting in flatwater and ending in flatwater the Narrows is around 6 miles long depending on starting point. Fresh clean mountain water makes this section a wonderful place to be in the summertime with lots of great swimming spots! The perfect trip for the beginner rafter and young kids, as well as those who just want a fun easy time on some mild whitewater.

This is a 4-6 mile trip depending on water levels and can be done in guided rafts or inflatable kayaks. In the summertime less waves more pools. A great way to spend the day. This whitewater river rafting trip on the Cheat River in West Virginia is a wonderful family event as it offers something for everyone!

There are several class 2 rapids, with 3 class 3 rapids depending on water levels. When the water is up to just rafting levels there may be an easy, fun exciting class 4. In the early spring this section of river is mostly waves and pools. Whitewater rafting the Cheat River in West Virginia is always fun and different.

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